(the damage all demo weapons do when they connect with a target, think of it as a better version of blunt damage) Below is the third large zed on the list, but he isn't exactly as easy to handle as demo since he resists explosives, but is vulnerable to impact damage. See those 2 clowns? They are your primary targets and should fear you. The demo is the king of bodyshotting fleshpounds and quarterpounds, as well as having a good chance against scrakes with headshots. In other words, the big boi hunter for the chaotic trio. This class or perk excels in dealing with large zeds. The Demolitonists (demo) in Killing Floor 2 is the class that specializes in explosives. Now what makes me a good demoman? Well, if I were a bad demoman, I wouldn't be sitting here, discussing it with you now would I! (ok I'll stop with the tf2 references) I say most since there might be some things I might leave out accidentally and if so, I would appreciate if you inform me of it and contribute to a more detailed and better guide.
This guide is meant to explain demolitionist mechanics as well as teach most aspects and techniques of the class.